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Why has my INSTAX instant film not developed properly?

Once a photo has been taken it takes around 90 seconds to develop. During this time it is important you don’t crease, bend or shake the printed photo.  These types of actions can affect the distribution of film chemicals while the film is developing. 

Why is my INSTAX instant film coming out blank or white?

This is usually caused when the film door on the camera or Smartphone printer has been opened after the INSTAX instant film has been loaded into the camera or Smartphone printer.  INSTAX instant film is light sensitive, so should only be exposed to light when a picture is taken, not…

What INSTAX instant film formats work with each product?

INSTAX MINI instant film instax mini 11™instax mini 12™instax mini™ 7+instax mini 40™instax mini EVO™instax mini LiPlay™instax mini 9™instax mini 70™instax mini 90™instax SHARE SP-2™instax mini link™ Smartphone Printerinstax mini link™ 2 Smartphone Printer INSTAX SQUARE instant film instax SQUARE SQ1™instax SQUARE SQ6™instax SQUARE SQ10™instax SQUARE SQ20™instax SHARE SP-3™instax SQUARE…

What INSTAX instant film formats do you offer?

INSTAX MINI instant film Print size – 54 x 85mmImage size – 46 x 62mm INSTAX SQUARE instant film Print size – 86 x 72mmImage size – 62 x 62mm INSTAX WIDE instant film Print size 108 x 85mmImage size – 99 x 62mm

Can I take my INSTAX instant film through airport x-ray machines?

To prevent possible fogging of unexposed INSTAX instant film during X-ray inspection of luggage at airports, it is recommended that all INSTAX instant film and instax™ instant cameras loaded with INSTAX instant film be carried as carry-on baggage (not checked baggage).